Filming the Camel Trail with BBC Countryfile
Filming with the BBC Countryfile team
Not what you really expect to be doing on the first sunny day in April but, what a fantastic experience it was filming with the Countryfile team!
It’s not the first time Bridge Bike Hire has been called on to add a little context and history to the story of the Camel Trail for TV or radio. Historically, Nigel was always the one ready to jump in front of the camera or grab the microphone, tell a story or two or give his opinion on local events.
When we received the request this time, two years since Nige passed, the instant reaction was, well what do we do now?
After a nights sleep, Kelly decided there was no point being shy, she would just have to get on and do it herself!
“It was a beautiful day, the first one of 2024! We all met up at the Borough Arms and introduced ourselves.
It was a small team, just Vanessa the producer and camera lady, Tess on Go Pros and drones and Mark on sound. Luckily, they are all pros and put me at ease pretty much straight away.
The day was full of laughs, beautiful views and it was wonderful that the team seemed to love the trail as much as I do! They put a microphone on me and told me to talk as I cycle, which was no problem. I think they were a bit surprised when 3 miles later I was still chatting away to myself!”
The response to the program has been amazing and a real boost for the area, not just the Camel Trail and all the businesses associated with it.